Make your business scalable
Drive the growth of your bank by integrating financial modules and make your business scalable with the variety of services offered.
With a variety of services, stand out in the market
By integrating the Hiperbanco module into your digital bank, in addition to providing your customers with an integrated financial experience, you will also have several additional revenue streams for your fintech, as well as the possibility to create custom credit lines that make your business scalable.
Advances on accounts receivable
Accounts receivable advances allow companies to obtain funds from sales before invoices are due, improve liquidity, avoid defaults and achieve more effective financial management.

In addition, it provides the flexibility to choose expected invoices and helps to expand the business and find new business opportunities.
The benefits provided by wages include fulfilment of Labour obligations, transparency, financial control and enhanced relationships with employees.

Linking payroll to digital banking can provide practicality, flexibility, and reduced costs. It allows for fast and secure payments, eliminates travel and bureaucracy, and provides efficiently managed online resources. It can also provide benefits to employees such as easy access features and exclusive offers.
External link button
With the External Link button, you can integrate all the solutions your company offers to your digital bank.

Offer the most diverse range of products and services through the external link button and have a fully integrated application that meets all the needs of your users and your company.
Some customers and partners
Consolidate all the credit parts of your bank
A credit as a service platform can be integrated into your digital bank to provide a complete and unique experience for your customers. This integration not only enhances the user experience, but also stands out as a competitive advantage for your fintech.
We left in the news
Answers to the main questions related to Hiperbanco’s financial products.
Posso ter um cartão personalizado com a minha identidade visual?
Posso ter um cartão personalizado com a minha identidade visual?
Qual estrutura preciso ter para administrar o Banco?
Meu banco terá o PIX?
Consigo integrar o App do Banco ao meu negócio?
Posso utilizar as APIs do Banco e integrar as funções em meu App ou Portal?
If you want to undertake in a promising market with low investment, join us!
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Banking As A Service
Credit As A Service
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Financial Modules
Rua Mundo, n° 121, Edf. Tecnocentro Parque Tecnológico da Bahia, Sala 308 Trobogy, Salvador – BA, 41745-715
2023 © Copyright Hiperbanco. | All rights reserved
Hiperbanco is a company registered with CNPJ 32.895.677/0001-21, following all the requirements of the Central Bank, through circulars nº 3680/13, nº 3682/13 and nº 3885/18.